Tuesday, February 15, 2011


What seperates a success from a failure? Usually, success stories have done something right -that obviously, failures have not.

In the case of e-marketing, however, there is a brand new level of difficulty. Physical factors that Robert Cialdini, an expert on the weapons of influence that make something appealing to someone through the effect physical presence, can be totally lost on the internet. People do not meet face to face, and internet marketing to this day has undergone so many innovations and upheavals that hardly anything can surprise anyone anymore.

If that is the case, why then is e-market still being used?

a faucet of e-marketing would be through the use of emails. the video below provides a comprehensive study of how and why email marketing should be used.

Personally though, while I feel that email marketing does have its benefits, it does not hold much sway in persuading me to purchase any product. Anything that I buy as a result of email marketing is usually an item that I already have an interest in. As such, information about an upcoming discount may lead to me purchasing the product, but will not increase my spending volume in anyway.

Does it work the same way for you?

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