Monday, February 28, 2011

Internet Tools

Out of all the google tools, the one I use most often would be the Google Reader. The Reader compiles all the new entries of online blogs and microblogs like Tumblr and feeds it all into a single space where I can read everything at my leisure. Not only is it extremely convenient and time-saving (so I don't have to constantly go to the site to check if there's something new), it is also a lot more organized and allows me to bookmark and save entries that pique my interest. Moreover, I can follow my friends who are also using the reader and it allows us to share with each other, through the reader, entries that we may have found interesting.

For the second part of the entry today, I have create a video using the iMovie application on my Macbook. I added in a soundtrack and timed the pictures and videos according to the beat of the song. It was slightly tedious but I've learnt to appreciate video editing done by the experts in movies and shows a lot more. The song in the background is "Smile Like You Mean It" by the band called "The Killers". The people in the video are all friends that I've made over the years, or the offspring of my friends. The main theme of the video would probably be how people show their silly sides in front of the camera. Like the title of the song, I hope it makes you "Smile Like You Mean It".


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Online Learning

In my lifetime as a student, I have only twice encountered the use of online learning in the sense of learning from video lectures and notes (without the actual physical lecture). Once when I was in secondary school (during the SARS outbreak and everyone was ordered to stay at home and not go to school) and the other time would be the online module that I am currently taking in my university.

Learning through video lectures and notes can be beneficial. In my case, the current online module allows me to take on more this semester without overly eating into my time as a student, as I can plan my online module around other commitments and modules that I am also currently taking.

However, when I was younger, I noticed that the online learning did nothing to facilitate my learning journey. Maybe it was because I was younger and less disciplined then, but I feel that online learning would be effective only for individuals who have the drive and discipline to follow the online lectures, notes and work assigned.

Yet, I feel that online learning is beneficial as a supplement to lectures in school and work assigned in class. This is because work submitted and accessed through online means can often not only assist the student in becoming more adept with the internet media but also serve to add to the individual's student's understanding - through the world wide web. The availability of information on the World Wide Web allows individuals to not only access large pools of information but also fresh and new information that other mediums would be slower to convey. As such, the individual is not only given the steady foundation from receiving lectures and notes in class, this knowledge is further supplemented by contact with the World Wide Web through the process of online supplementary learning.

This video provides a case that supports the process of online learning, do you agree with the views expressed?

Personally, I've always preferred studying/reading with paper or a good book. It helps me to focus. The computer, I feel, offers too many opportunities for distraction.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


What seperates a success from a failure? Usually, success stories have done something right -that obviously, failures have not.

In the case of e-marketing, however, there is a brand new level of difficulty. Physical factors that Robert Cialdini, an expert on the weapons of influence that make something appealing to someone through the effect physical presence, can be totally lost on the internet. People do not meet face to face, and internet marketing to this day has undergone so many innovations and upheavals that hardly anything can surprise anyone anymore.

If that is the case, why then is e-market still being used?

a faucet of e-marketing would be through the use of emails. the video below provides a comprehensive study of how and why email marketing should be used.

Personally though, while I feel that email marketing does have its benefits, it does not hold much sway in persuading me to purchase any product. Anything that I buy as a result of email marketing is usually an item that I already have an interest in. As such, information about an upcoming discount may lead to me purchasing the product, but will not increase my spending volume in anyway.

Does it work the same way for you?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Social Networking

In class this week, we explored what social networks meant - especially in today's society where everything is being increasingly digitalized. With sites like Facebook and Twitter, the effect of social media is definitely undeniable. Some might even say that social networking through these sites have become increasingly intrusive.

For example, for online social networks, where do you draw the line when someone requests to be on your contact list? would you approve the friend request if you know who the person is (seen him/her around school or in classes) but never had a proper conversation before? or would you only accept friend requests from people in your inner circle? would rejecting an acquaintance's friend request offend him/her? it's like a whole new social ball game, with new rules and lots of gray boundaries.

Almost everyone has a facebook account these days, so I don't think I will have to go into explaining what facebook is about. I will be however, introducing a new social platform. ""

This new social network was an initiative from a group of self-professesd idealists who have no affiliation to any church or ministry. The site was created to connect Christian believers all over the world. It aims to cut through the distractions and noise on other social platforms and focus on 3 areas, namely:

1. Sharing thoughts and words of inspiration.
2. Sharing prayer requests.
3. Sharing praise reports (testimonies of how God had worked in his/her life).

The aims of the site are highly centred around Christian beliefs. Basically, it aims to pull the connection between Christian believers closer, such that the reach of each individual Christian to other Christians can be more powerful and have a clearer effect than if their words were to be mixed up with people from other religions. The site in non-discriminatory against other religions, but is so centred around Christian beliefs that non-Christian individuals would probably have no interest to join in anyway.

The site is similar to facebook, but unlike facebook where the wall is able to share just about anything, focuses on only the 3 areas previously mentioned: "Words of Inspiration", "Prayer request" or "Praise report". An example of this is below:

As the picture shows, someone can share a prayer request and more often than not, receives encouragement and concern from those around. This is perhaps, how is most significantly different from Facebook. More than just social networking, the site aims to create some form of social support through the online community. Due to the beliefs that the site carries, it also has an exceptionally low rate of verbal abuse, internet trolls and foul language.

What do you think of (: